Monday, April 09, 2007

Give me a heart to be still

Heavenly father, give me a new heart.
Give me a heart to recognize YOUR will in my life, YOUR song in my heart, YOUR joy in my walk, YOUR peace in my perception, YOUR hand in everything.
Give me a heart to hearken to YOUR Word, to intend every minute that every thought be held under YOUR spotlight, to seek YOUR heart and YOUR redeeming grace.
Give me a heart to know YOU, to touch YOUR heart, to seek YOUR smile and to sing those songs that YOU wish to hear.
Give me a heart to be YOUR drummer boy in a land of non-drummers.

Todays call to action is simple:
I. Find a single, integrated focus for your walk with Christ today
This can be a single phrase uttered in a moment of perfect service to God, a particularly stirring scripture, or possibly something you only overheard that brought you immense personal awareness of God's desire for your heart to be aligned with His.

II. Find a free moment to discourse with God.
Again, not a difficult thing, but it requires a personal decision on YOUR part - what is a free moment? Is it five seconds at a stop-light? Is it the time when you're pumping gas in your car and you don't have anything else to do but stand there and wait? Is it those moments when you are mid-state, waiting for something else?
Are your free moments of a different kind? Are there moments in your day when you're effectively on auto-pilot, and aren't directly involved? Do you have areas in your life where your presence matters but your input does not? Does the make and model of you day reflect a complete lack of these things and the result is that you are nearly running at top speed every day, from the moment your feet hit the ground until you, exhausted, finally take a few hours to rest?
The second half of this call to action is simply: are you taking enough time out of your day to listen to God? Most of us have a reliable enough walk we can earnestly say we talk to Jesus - how many of us can say we listen enough to Jesus? Every single prayer request to our Lord Jesus Christ have something in common - they are answered in God's time. So the second half of my challenge today relates to this - are you giving Jesus time to answer the questions you've asked him? Are you giving Him an opportunity to share with you what He wants you to know?

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