Thursday, June 19, 2008


Stories tend to highlight certain abstract aspects of the main character. Those abstracts may be heroism, bravery, cunning, and intelligence. They might also be sophistication, irreverence, stupidity, or propensity for destruction. Regardless of the particular attribute, the teller of the tale uses one tool above all others to paint the abstraction: consistency.

Character tends to be defined over time, and using stories as the framework, character is represented and depicted using the aforementioned traits, but it is defined through the repetition of their presence. Similarly, a practical working definition of integrity seems to be present in those individuals evidencing intentional consistency of ethical behavior. The key word here is consistency.

Consistency is something that one does not hear a great deal about - yet most of us appreciate and trust consistency. The most obvious aspect of this are things we take for granted - examples include gravity, the rising and falling of the sun, and the ability to breathe. And it is this consistency by which we understand and define Christ.

Christ's greatest messages all center on consistency.

· Love thy neighbor - no conditional there.

· Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart - none there.

It is in the intentional expression of love that consistency has her greatest work. Intentionally loving someone is precious -- but to intentionally and consistently love someone is priceless.

Thus, my challenge today for you is to consistently perform another task God has tasked each of with:

Hold every thought into captivity.

o Identify those thoughts you notice thinking.

Hold them up to Christ.

Do they honor His work in your life?

o Identify those actions you appeared to take without thinking

Identify any thoughts associated with those actions.

Do they honor His work in your life?

o Identify those habits you engage in without thought or consideration

Identify any thoughts associated with those actions.

Do they honor His work in your life?

Monday, June 16, 2008

it was a good day

drifting out of time
yesterday was years ago
leaves fall, marching on

God chose me just now
yesterday and tomorrow
to be whom He wills

it had been one day
years hence that I lent an ear
and my heart: God sang!

never been the same
has been my life, my todays
never been the same