Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The potential for joy, in living out God's will for one's life, is profound - enough to submerge any kind of fear, any kind of sorrow, any kind of pain ... if we have the courage to claim that joy.

One of the most amazing gifts that the Holy Spirit grants is being in one accord. It is a powerful and moving thing to know that a group of people, who all serve the same God, can bring together completely different paradigms, experiences, ages, and perceptions, yet be of one accord, because each is dedicated to focusing and observing the tenets given them, through scripture and Holy Spirit, and to love Him and one another. Indeed, I firmly believe that with the Holy Spirit, any conflict can be resolved, and without it, none can truly be surpassed.

That being said, the exact opposite is quite painful. If you've ever tasted single accordance, come to know and expect it between believers, and then experience its lack during a particularly intense discussion: you know it is painful. You go in knowing each of you loves the Lord, you go in knowing that each of you has had separate testimonies and has personal, Holy-Spirit-enriched
evidence that the Lord is very real, and come out a bit spiritually flustered. It is very much like waking to a wife of a decade (or four) and realizing an inability to speak about something you'd been lovingly sharing for years.

Given the reality of this possibility, I strongly encourage each reader of this blog to assume the heroic mantle of humility and come before the Lord, reinforcing your walk with Christ, so that in the event such a lack-of-accord occurs, you can focus on your walk with Christ and not the dissonance that seems to resonate from such a spiritual separation. And let the Lord Jesus Christ guide each person involved to His will.

Call to action
Pray. Pray with everything you have. Pray without ceasing. Be modest, humble, and come before His thrown with clarity of thought and purpose. Pray.

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