I haven't posted much.
It could be a sign of a busy life,
it could be a sign that I've got things on my plate
The reality is that it is a sign
that things have been taking precendence when they shouldn't.
This is Christmas.
For me it has always been a time of a kind of excessive joy.
I used to think it was about being around family.
Then I thought it was about hoping for a particular present.
Then I believed it was about Christ.
And later I believed it was about a kind of minimalism of Christ.
I have finally migrated between
an arbitrary and intense desire
to see God more clearly this time of year than any other
and a kind of sadness that
people would worship the idea of Christ
more than Christ Himself.
Regardless, there has always been
associated with it for me.
To quote a song that runs through my head this time of year ...
"And so this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over ...
A new year just begun."
Christ is about many things to me.
But my favorite, the one that always gives me hope
- is redemption.
Jesus gives us a chance to start over without destroying the past.
He gives us a chance to become something amazing.
Let today be the beginning of a new year for you.
One filled with a choice of hope.
One filled with a desire for life.
One filled with a love of truth.
You've fallen. So have I.
Don't focus on the failure.
Focus on His grace.
And claim it.